RX5700 – Mineshop.ae https://mineshop.ae Cryptocurrency Mining Hardware Wed, 10 Apr 2024 11:08:57 +0000 en-GB hourly 1 https://wordpress.org/?v=6.7.2 https://mineshop.ae/wp-content/uploads/2021/12/cropped-ms-icon-310x310-1-32x32.png RX5700 – Mineshop.ae https://mineshop.ae 32 32 Secret sauce BIOS mod for RX 5700 Graphic cards. https://mineshop.ae/secret-sauce-bios-mod-for-rx-5700-graphic-cards/ https://mineshop.ae/secret-sauce-bios-mod-for-rx-5700-graphic-cards/#respond Sat, 03 Oct 2020 20:15:10 +0000 https://mineshop.ae/?p=6056 Timing Bios mod for AMD cards is nothing new for increasing performance on Ethereum mining. Lately also available for RX 5700 graphic cards. Most simples is just applying 1500mhz straps down bellow, which increases performance by roughly 10-15%. But there is more to that, i was playing with the rom files. And figured out that […]

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Timing Bios mod for AMD cards is nothing new for increasing performance on Ethereum mining. Lately also available for RX 5700 graphic cards. Most simples is just applying 1500mhz straps down bellow, which increases performance by roughly 10-15%. But there is more to that, i was playing with the rom files. And figured out that editing Dram 12 timing also increases performance for mining ETH.

Mining is basically competition whoever can do most efficient. And you want to rigs run as efficient as you can.

So the steps are following to increase another 1-2 mh/s on top of your 1500mhz strap bios mod.

1.By default 1500mhz and down bellow DramTiming12 is set to 2850 and on some cards 2945.

2. You need to edit this to at least 6000 in (1550mhz,1750mhz,1800mhz,1875mhz,2000mhz). Some gpus timing starts from 1500mhz it really doesnt matter which bios you have. I tried both of these and seems like it is working just fine.

3. I have tested this on Asus Strix RX5700XT and also Gigabyte RX5700XT


What i have noticed your cvlt and mvdd also has to be low as possible , my cvdd was set to 760.

Im sure there is more to it and we can increase more performance by adjusting these timing. This process is very time consuming, and im sure people will find how to adjust more of this to increase mining speed.

Checkout full guide in video:

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RX 5700 EOL | testing RX 5600 XT ETHEREUM performance !? https://mineshop.ae/rx-5700-eol-testing-rx-5600-xt-ethereum-performance/ https://mineshop.ae/rx-5700-eol-testing-rx-5600-xt-ethereum-performance/#respond Tue, 28 Jul 2020 13:12:56 +0000 https://mineshop.ae/?p=5606 Sad news for RX 5700 as they have been absolute best mining cards lately for ROI. Most of the brands like MSI and Sapphire , they are now EOL. The XT version is still produced. Still a very good option but slightly more expensive then the non XT version for the same performance. Just wanted […]

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Sad news for RX 5700 as they have been absolute best mining cards lately for ROI. Most of the brands like MSI and Sapphire , they are now EOL. The XT version is still produced. Still a very good option but slightly more expensive then the non XT version for the same performance.

Just wanted to test out little brother RX 5600XT. After tests seems like a decent mining farm.

Efficiency rating is slightly better for power usage for hash then RX 5700 . But the RX 5700 is bout 0.7 usd cheaper for 1 mh/s. If the electric rate you pay is high then in long-term the days of ROI could be about the same.

Current time of ROI for 12xgpu mining rig is roughly 300 days at current ETH price and mining difficulty.

Performance :

  • 42mh/s
  • @100w from the wall
  • OC (910 mem , Core 1100, PL 100)

I have created also google spreadsheet to compare few of the cards efficiency . – https://bit.ly/3jLAzjK

Full video review  – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MDuz3L3IX9o



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Hidden mining profits nobody is talking about https://mineshop.ae/hidden-mining-profits-nobody-is-talking-about/ https://mineshop.ae/hidden-mining-profits-nobody-is-talking-about/#comments Tue, 21 Jul 2020 14:21:51 +0000 https://mineshop.ae/?p=5575 Ethereum mining recently has been very interesting. And there is hidden mining profits that nobody have been talking about. What i mean by nobody is that some of the mining calculators will show you different/incorrect current Ethereum mining profitability. First off all you need to understand how Blockchains work , so for example Ethereum you […]

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Ethereum mining recently has been very interesting. And there is hidden mining profits that nobody have been talking about. What i mean by nobody is that some of the mining calculators will show you different/incorrect current Ethereum mining profitability.

First off all you need to understand how Blockchains work , so for example Ethereum you have the block rewards which is currently 2 ETH paid out to mining pool who finds the block averaging 15sec a block (13500 ETH/24h)

Then there is transaction fees, to process transaction on Ethereum you have to pay GAS fee which is calculated in Ether . All these transaction fees are paid out to mining pool who has found the block and recorded all these transactions on this block. These transaction fees currently is over 5000ETH/24h .

The fees are at the highest they have been, since May up-till now they are higher then total bitcoin fees.


So this is where the hidden ETH mining profits are coming from. To test this out i have tested 11xRX5700 gpu Ethereum mining rig for 24h mining on hiveos ethereum mining pool.


Conclusion is that check multiple mining calculators to get the most accurate result . Like cryptocompare mining calculator does not have latest data from transaction fees,  whattomine showing accurate results for me.  Or the best solution test yourself, pools sometimes also could affect your payot amount, depending on size of the pool and payment structure.


Which mining pool do you get the best results?



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26+ mh/s Raven-coin mining RX5700 | best graphic card for mining in 2020. https://mineshop.ae/26-mh-s-raven-coin-mining-rx5700-best-graphic-card-for-mining-in-2020/ https://mineshop.ae/26-mh-s-raven-coin-mining-rx5700-best-graphic-card-for-mining-in-2020/#respond Mon, 15 Jun 2020 13:06:36 +0000 https://mineshop.ae/?p=5505 Team red miner has released miner update. Which has increases performance for mining Ravencoin very significantly. Have you used it yet? This makes RX5700 my top pick for mining GPUs in 2020.

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Team red miner has released miner update. Which has increases performance for mining Ravencoin very significantly. Have you used it yet?

This makes RX5700 my top pick for mining GPUs in 2020.

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GPU MineBox 12 RX5700 mining rig vs ASIC miner Innosilicon A10 for Ethereum mining. https://mineshop.ae/gpu-minebox-12-rx5700-mining-rig-vs-asic-miner-innosilicon-a10-for-ethereum-mining/ https://mineshop.ae/gpu-minebox-12-rx5700-mining-rig-vs-asic-miner-innosilicon-a10-for-ethereum-mining/#respond Thu, 04 Jun 2020 14:13:02 +0000 https://mineshop.ae/?p=5484 I want to clear out the air about Ethereum mining. The GPU mining vs Asic mining, is Ethereum now Asic mining Algorithm. Can RX5700 most efficient Graphic cards for ETH mining Compete with Asic miner A10. For the last day i have been working on some stats and ROI for 2 types of investment for […]

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I want to clear out the air about Ethereum mining. The GPU mining vs Asic mining, is Ethereum now Asic mining Algorithm. Can RX5700 most efficient Graphic cards for ETH mining Compete with Asic miner A10.

For the last day i have been working on some stats and ROI for 2 types of investment for 12xGPU RX5700 MineBox 12 mining rig and Innosilicon A10 ETH ASIC miner. My goal was to let the data speak about it self and then make a decision what is better investment for ethereum mining GPU or ASIC. Im compering 2 most efficient miners :

  1. ASIC miner Innosilicon A10 , costs 3000usd(specs. 500mh/s at 860w)
  2. GPU miner MineBox12 , cost 4487euro ( specs 700mh/s at 1800w)

Miner price is about the average would it cost to you 12xGPU mining rig might cost you 100-300 cheaper if you would build one yourself. Innosilicon A10 would cost you lot more if you would like to import it out of China. Price would be closer to 3500euro + you would need to buy power-supply for it.

I have created google spreadsheet and inserted the GPU data and performance by the current currencies price and mining profitability. Included also my thoughts about advantages and disadvantages using GPU or Asic miner:

MineBox 12 Innosilicon A10
Price 4887 3500
Hash Rate 700 500 ROI Days
Power usage 1800 860 MineBox 12 Innosilicon A10
Daily profit without electric price 12.39 8.78 394 399
Daily profit electric price 0.05$ per kw/h 10.23 7.75 478 452
Daily profit electric price 0.10$ per kw/h 8.07 6.71 606 522
Advantages and Disadvantages
Can mine multiple mining Algorithms V X
Flexibility V X
Easy accessible to everyone V X
Lower energy consumption in watt per hash X V
High mining Efficiency X V
Plug and mine V V
Resale value After mining Algorithm not profitable V X
Noise level V X


Opinion based on mining profit data. We can see that MineBox 12 ROI if electric price is free or very cheap is faster then ASIC miner A10. And even at 0.10c a kw/h at current Ethereum price there is only 80day difference on Equipment payback time. But the biggest thing is for example when your miners are paid back your investment. You still are available to resell your MineBox 12 hardware for other use case or just mine different coins. Where with Innosilicon A10 you can throw it into bin as soon as ETHASH coins are not profitable to mine. This is the biggest downside of Asic miners. So to answer your question is ETH asic mining coin. My answer would be Yes ASIC miners are slightly more profitable , BUT they are not worth the risk you are getting by buying one. Also you can see clearly that GPU miners has lot more advantages then Asic miners. The difference on ETH miners are not so noticeable then like it was Bitcoin GPU vs ASIC mining. There is still profit to be made with GPUs mining ETH. If ETH switches to new POW ProgPOW , again another benefit for GPU rigs as the same GPUs are quite efficient mining ProgPow. Buying and Asic miner there is to much risk, saying from experience. Have lost a lot of money, my last adventure bought 5xAntminer S17 back in November and 4 of them hashing boards stopped working after 1st week. Not counting the previous purchases Antminer D3 etc..

Let me guys know what you think about this, would your rather use ASIC miner for mining ETH of GPU miner?

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1660Ti vs RX5700 | this mining rig is beast | which graphic cards to choose for mining. https://mineshop.ae/1660ti-vs-rx5700-this-mining-rig-is-beast-which-graphic-cards-to-choose-for-mining/ https://mineshop.ae/1660ti-vs-rx5700-this-mining-rig-is-beast-which-graphic-cards-to-choose-for-mining/#respond Thu, 28 May 2020 12:13:47 +0000 https://mineshop.ae/?p=5455 Choosing graphic cards for mining is one of the hardest decisions when investing in mining rig built. There is a lot of factors involved , gpu price, hashrate they get, power use and how long it will take to ROI. These are the top asked questions. We will try to get some answers in this […]

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Choosing graphic cards for mining is one of the hardest decisions when investing in mining rig built. There is a lot of factors involved , gpu price, hashrate they get, power use and how long it will take to ROI. These are the top asked questions. We will try to get some answers in this post which cards for mining is the best to use.

Specially for new miners, its very hard to choose graphic cards. There is so many different models and types. Some of them are better doing then others on different mining algorithms. Amd is usually better from memory hard mining and NVIDIA usually for core hard algorithms. Simplest is to choose when you know which coins you want to mine. As im recommending to mine top market-cap coins because they will be your safest and most stable mining investment. Just because they have large size network, larger network means they are also more popular and most likely needed.

My current review in June 2020 which graphic cards to use are two types. From Nvidia graphic cards from value range 1660Ti and from AMD RX5700. Both of these graphic cards has quite impressive performance on mining Ethereum and Ravencoin. Which are the top GPU mine-able coins currently. Bot of these graphic cards are at around the same price range where RX5700 is slightly more expensive averaging at 330 euro per card. And 1660Ti is at 280 euro price tag. You choice of graphic cards depends also of course from the graphic card price you can get. someone might get better deal then others.

So to calculate which cards will do your ROI the fastest you’ll need to calculate.

  • how much hash-rate you’ll get with this card?
  • how much power uses my graphic card?
  • how much revenue it will bring?
  • how big profit it will make daily?

The main question is how much profit it will make, because when you devide this number with the GPU price you paid. You will get your ROI timing.


To calculate which GPU is better ill take 2 exactly the same mining rigs, just with different graphic cards:

  1. 12xgpu mining rig in closed case with 12xRX5700
  2. 12xgpu mining rig in closed case with 12x1660Ti

Where RX5700 will be mining Ethereum as they are most efficient on ETH. 1660Ti will be mining Ravencoin, as best results it does have on mining Raven-coin.


  • Performance mining Ethereum 12xRX5700 670 mh/s @1800w power usage. Graphic cards bios has been modified, OC settings- Core clock 1340 – mem 910mhz – core voltage 760 – watt 119

  • Performance mining Ravencoin 12x1660Ti 180 mh/s @1400w power usage. Graphic cards OC settings mem +1200 – Power Limit 105


Both of these mining rigs uses hiveOS mining software.

When inserting all this data in mining calculator we are getting results, profit results for you might be different if you use different electric rate:

  • RX5700 revenue is 10.40usd in 24 hours and profit is 6.08usd

  • 1660Ti revenue is 7.36usd in 24 hours and profit is 4.03usd

Keep in mind Crypto currencies are extremely volatile , and these numbers can show different stats different day. But calculating averaging winner winner chicken diner is RX5700.

So my absolute best choice would be RX5700 they are just better earner, also they are not bad on mining RVN coin. Hasrate is about the same as 1660Ti, just uses slightly more power then the 1660Ti.



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BIOS modified RX5700 | how to edit timings | 10% speed increase. https://mineshop.ae/bios-modified-rx5700-how-to-edit-timings-10-speed-increase/ https://mineshop.ae/bios-modified-rx5700-how-to-edit-timings-10-speed-increase/#comments Tue, 03 Mar 2020 19:48:38 +0000 https://mineshop.ae/?p=5295 Up until now there haven’t been any handy tools which would allow to edit AMD RX5700 graphic card bios timings. Timing editing for AMD has worked very well in past and increased mining speed by 10%. The same is possible now with RX5700 gpu. We have tested this and it is working fine, we have […]

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Up until now there haven’t been any handy tools which would allow to edit AMD RX5700 graphic card bios timings. Timing editing for AMD has worked very well in past and increased mining speed by 10%. The same is possible now with RX5700 gpu. We have tested this and it is working fine, we have increased mining speed from 52-53mh/s out ff the box up to 57-59mh/s.

This is very important, even more when profitability is very low. Here are the steps we did:

Tools needed :

✔GPU-Z – https://bit.ly/32LonaI

✔flasher – https://bit.ly/2TlZlMl

✔BIOS editor – https://bit.ly/2IcYNSC

✔GPU BIOS collection – https://bit.ly/3crXCfV

So for test purpose we have had 2x RX5700 non XT version. We have edited timings and also upgraded nonXT version to XT.

Follow the steps:

  • Download you gpu bios to backup with gpu-z

  • Extract flasher to your C: drive

  • Download Original XT version from GPU BIOS collection

  • Open XToriginal.rom with BIOS editor and edit timing straps and save bios in your flasher folder. Straps edited copy 1500mhz to lower 1850…..etc (similar way as RX570 4gb cards) . These cards does have 2 bios, so edit both of them, after each time editing you need to save. This tool doesnt allow you to edit 2 bios at the same time.

  • Now you need to upload these to your graphic card. Open command prompt as administrator . Navigate you you flasher folder  (cd => cd flash => amdvbflash -i ) this will give you information of the gpu connected in your system.

  • Next you need to unlock gpu ROM to upload new BIOS type in cmd( amdvbflash -unlockrom 0 ) 1,2,3 if you have more then one gpu

  • Last upload new BIOS to you GPU type in cmd ( amdvbflash -p -f 0 newBIOS.rom ) newBIOS is your saved .rom file name

After flashing, the computer must be restarted. We can already admire the new data in GPU-Z. In this case I had set the boost clock a bit higher. Now the value is no longer 1925 MHz, but 2104 MHz. In real terms the card reaches 2050 MHz with the right cooling.

Easy as that, reboot your system and your hash-rate should increase. If you have done everything explained here. Other flasher versions wont work , download links provided on top of the post.


Video here:

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Mining Profitability February 2020 , what hardware to choose. https://mineshop.ae/mining-profitability-february-2020-what-hardware-to-choose/ https://mineshop.ae/mining-profitability-february-2020-what-hardware-to-choose/#respond Thu, 06 Feb 2020 12:39:41 +0000 https://mineshop.ae/?p=5114 We are back! For the last 2 years there was not much to shill in mining mining was on the life support. And the profits constantly got decreasing. Start of 2020 Bitcoin and Altcoins are showing great performance in price action. This price action has also increased mining profits in some coins for more then […]

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We are back!

For the last 2 years there was not much to shill in mining mining was on the life support. And the profits constantly got decreasing. Start of 2020 Bitcoin and Altcoins are showing great performance in price action. This price action has also increased mining profits in some coins for more then 100% since december 2019. It might be to early to say that “we are back” , as crypto can be so unpredictable. But there is a lot of signs that we have now oversold a lot and value of crypto market is increasing steadily. We might see this pattern continue for good bit of times as BTC halving is coming up in 3 month. Let’s get in straight in. I will choose 3 hardware devices which in my opinion would be the best choice and we will see how profitable they are.

If you are new to mining and you want to know which devices to choose, choose from top market cap coins latest equipment. This will be your safest bet, as the mining profits are much more stable on bigger cap coins then on smaller cap coins. If you are small miner and don’t have large electric bills, you can choose smaller cap coins. They might go up in price lot faster then bigger cap coins in bull market, but be aware they they might dump lot faster. It is high risk high reward type of mining.

If you are really serious about mining, you need to look at cheapest power source possible which would be in 0.05c a kw/h range. It is not 2017 and mining from home wont be profitable at 0.30c a kw/h. Industrial power is possible to achieve 0.05 in many places in the world. If it is not possible in your country , look for the country where it is possible. So all profit calculations done for 0.05c a kw/h

Top mining profitability websites :

  • https://www.asicminervalue.com/  It is great website to see newest ASIC miners and their profitability. Usually the new upcoming mining machines gets listed here. So come and checkout this page every few days/weeks this page if you are serious about mining.

  • https://whattomine.com/ Is the best known for GPU/CPU mining profitability. You can choose what ever hardware to use and it will give you the best and most profitable coins to mine. It is very simple to use it. It does have Also asic miner profitability check, but for asics i do prefer asicminervalue,com

The top and 3 most profitable Crypto currencies to mine in February 2020 , for some people miner pick could be different. The prices changes if you are buying new/used , depending in which part of the world are you. This is my recommended , brand new purchase in Europe.

  • Bitcoin – Most suitable Antminer S17+ . It is one of the efficient Bitcoin miner currently publicly available, alternatives would be M20s miner and Avalon miner 1166. Antminer S17 efficiency is 73TH/s @ 3000watts . Current profitability after you have paid your electric bill is 7.82 usd in 24hours , with ROI achievable in 6-7month. It does seems great, but crypto doesn’t stand still. And has plenty of risks.

  • Ethereum – Best miner to use is RX5700 graphic cards mining rig. I know there is an ASIC miner available A10, but most of you who are in mining will agree with me, that it is complete junk. It is only slightly more efficient then RX5700 gpu rig in terms of price per hash and watt per hash . But it is 10x more riskier investment in mining rig then buying GPU mining rig. So the efficiency of 12xgpu RX5700 mining rig is 640 mh/s @ 1700watts. Current profitability after you have paid your electric bill is 7.62 usd in 24hours , with ROI achievable in about 20-22 month. Ethereum is one of the underdogs which could perform quite well in 2020 and might reduce your ROI much more faster.

  • DASH – Lately has been released most efficient DASH miner STU-U6. Asic miners are very risky investment, but sometimes they might be very profitable. The beauty of this miner is that it is quite new model and it is mining profitably DASH , even that DASH is still over 90%down from its all time highs. This miner performance is 420GH/s @2100 watts. Current profitability after you have paid your electric bill is 8.11 usd in 24hours , with ROI achievable in about 5-6 month.


These would be my to pick miners for start of 2020. There is big risks in any on these miners as no high reward investment is guaranteed anywhere. I’ll have more detailed explanation of the risks of each of these miners in my next post.

Any miner suggestion, what would be your best choice and why?

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video :


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RX5700 one of the best Ethereum mining cards , 740 mh/s mining rig. https://mineshop.ae/rx5700-ethereum-mining-cards/ https://mineshop.ae/rx5700-ethereum-mining-cards/#respond Fri, 20 Dec 2019 17:06:46 +0000 https://mineshop.ae/?p=4938 AMD graphic cards has been very popular for mining, specially for ethereum mining. They have been best price per has and hash per watt since ethereum launch. Previous generation cards (RX 470 and RX570) was widely used on mining farms. Also the latest generation cards RX5700 has now been very efficient for mining ETH. I […]

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AMD graphic cards has been very popular for mining, specially for ethereum mining. They have been best price per has and hash per watt since ethereum launch. Previous generation cards (RX 470 and RX570) was widely used on mining farms. Also the latest generation cards RX5700 has now been very efficient for mining ETH. I do understand that Profit is still very low to invest in GPU mining rigs, better choice would be to purchase coins now. But if the markets returns where it was in 2017/2018 , this would be the mining card to choose. As they are quite efficient.

So the test bench i have :

Best Results for mining Ethereum  got from this setup with 100 accepted shares:

  • 640 mh/s
  • 1770 watts

There is settings to add in Phoenix ethereum miner :

  • -openclLocalWork 128
  • -openclGlobalMultiplier 4096

By adding these 2 values to configuration you would be available to reach up to 70mh/s per GPU but with 30-50% invalid shares. Tried to change OC on graphic cards but that does not help.

Video :

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500 mh/s ? Ethereum mining rig RX5700XT vs RX5700 vs RX570 !? https://mineshop.ae/ethereum-mining-rig-rx5700xt-vs-rx5700/ https://mineshop.ae/ethereum-mining-rig-rx5700xt-vs-rx5700/#respond Wed, 27 Nov 2019 20:39:14 +0000 https://mineshop.ae/?p=4895 RX5700 series graphic cards has been out for few month now. But drivers for mining from AMD hasn’t been the best. Recently most popular mining OS Simple-mining and hiveOS has added support for these graphic cards. It is not perfect but mining is doable on these cards now, and the results are impressive. Im not […]

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RX5700 series graphic cards has been out for few month now. But drivers for mining from AMD hasn’t been the best. Recently most popular mining OS Simple-mining and hiveOS has added support for these graphic cards. It is not perfect but mining is doable on these cards now, and the results are impressive. Im not saying here GPU mining is now profitable, you still have to be mining fanatic like i am to build GPU mining rig with new hardware.

My setup for 324mh/s mining rig:

Over clocks used :

  • Core Clock 1340
  • Core Voltage 800
  • Memory clock 930-950

My setup for 500 mh/s mining rig :

  • 12gpu all in one mining rig case
  • 5x RX5700
  • 1xRX5700XT
  • 6xRX570  4gb MSI gaming
  • hiveOS mining software  https://hiveos.farm/install/

Over clocks used :

  • Core Clock 1340 (RX5700) 1100(RX570)
  • Core Voltage 800
  • Memory clock 930-950(RX5700) 2030(RX570)

There is nearly no difference in hash-rate RX5700 and RX5700XT . It is no point spending extra 20% on gpu to increase hashrate by less then 1%. So if you are mining Ethereum stick to RX5700

Video Review: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ci0SAtrpaKs



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