hiveOS – Cryptocurrency Mining Hardware Wed, 10 Apr 2024 11:10:34 +0000 en-GB hourly 1 hiveOS – 32 32 How to Create Flight sheet on HiveOS! Mon, 23 Jan 2023 13:01:32 +0000 In the context of HiveOS, a flight sheet is a document that contains important information about a mining rig, such as its hashrate, power consumption, and GPU configuration. The flight sheet allows you to keep track of the performance of your mining rig, and to share this information with others. The flight sheet can be […]

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In the context of HiveOS, a flight sheet is a document that contains important information about a mining rig, such as its hashrate, power consumption, and GPU configuration. The flight sheet allows you to keep track of the performance of your mining rig, and to share this information with others. The flight sheet can be created and viewed on the HiveOS platform. It allows you to see important data about the rig, such as the GPUs, their clock speed, temperature, power consumption, pool, and wallet address. The flight sheet also includes the rig’s location, and allows you to see the rig’s uptime and hashrate history. Additionally, you can also compare the flight sheets of different rigs, in order to see how they compare in terms of performance.

Here is an easy steps to set up your flight sheets in HiveOS!

  1. Log in to your HiveOS account and access the “Rigs” page.


2. Select the rig for which you want to create a flight sheet.



3. Scroll down to the “Flight sheet” section, and click on the “Create” button.

4. Fill out the form with the relevant information about the rig, such as its GPU configuration, overclocking settings, and power consumption.


5. Click on the “Save” button to create the flight sheet.


HiveOS flight sheets can be applied for both Asic miners and GPU miners.

In summary, creating flight sheets in HiveOS allows you to monitor and optimize the performance of your mining rigs, share important information with others, and make informed decisions about your mining operation.


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Secret sauce BIOS mod for RX 5700 Graphic cards. Sat, 03 Oct 2020 20:15:10 +0000 Timing Bios mod for AMD cards is nothing new for increasing performance on Ethereum mining. Lately also available for RX 5700 graphic cards. Most simples is just applying 1500mhz straps down bellow, which increases performance by roughly 10-15%. But there is more to that, i was playing with the rom files. And figured out that […]

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Timing Bios mod for AMD cards is nothing new for increasing performance on Ethereum mining. Lately also available for RX 5700 graphic cards. Most simples is just applying 1500mhz straps down bellow, which increases performance by roughly 10-15%. But there is more to that, i was playing with the rom files. And figured out that editing Dram 12 timing also increases performance for mining ETH.

Mining is basically competition whoever can do most efficient. And you want to rigs run as efficient as you can.

So the steps are following to increase another 1-2 mh/s on top of your 1500mhz strap bios mod.

1.By default 1500mhz and down bellow DramTiming12 is set to 2850 and on some cards 2945.

2. You need to edit this to at least 6000 in (1550mhz,1750mhz,1800mhz,1875mhz,2000mhz). Some gpus timing starts from 1500mhz it really doesnt matter which bios you have. I tried both of these and seems like it is working just fine.

3. I have tested this on Asus Strix RX5700XT and also Gigabyte RX5700XT


What i have noticed your cvlt and mvdd also has to be low as possible , my cvdd was set to 760.

Im sure there is more to it and we can increase more performance by adjusting these timing. This process is very time consuming, and im sure people will find how to adjust more of this to increase mining speed.

Checkout full guide in video:

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Antminer S17 custom firmware up to 85TH. Mon, 27 Jan 2020 20:58:39 +0000 For years now there has been possibilities to increase Bitmain bitcoin miners “antminer” efficiency with custom firmware. It is understandable that Bitmain don’t want their customers to change overclock on their asic miners. OC changes could possibly kill or damage hardware in some cases when chip oc and voltages applied to much. Overclock could kill […]

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For years now there has been possibilities to increase Bitmain bitcoin miners “antminer” efficiency with custom firmware. It is understandable that Bitmain don’t want their customers to change overclock on their asic miners. OC changes could possibly kill or damage hardware in some cases when chip oc and voltages applied to much. Overclock could kill miner it self or power supply. This is one of the reasons why Bitmain lately locks down their miners firmware, they dont want customers to do any changes on them.

The factory settings are standard, whoever is mining for while now. Knows that from some chips you can get better efficiency, just because quality of every chip is not the same. Lately there is been released an upgrade firmware and manual for Antminer S17 from hiveOS. HiveOS is gpu and asic miner monitoring/remote control. They previous firmware for Antminer S9 and T9 has been very successful. We have done review on this firmware also, and the best feature what Bitmain original firmware does not have is auto-chip tuning. It works very well, basically it finds the most optimal chip oc and the voltages to reach best efficiency.

We have now also tested the new firmware for Antminer S17, it does perform much better then Bitmain original firmware.On Antminer S17 53TH/s version , air cooled miner we where able to reach 75TH/s @3300 watts. It worked very well and setup is straight forward. It is possible to reach even better performance up to 85 TH/s , but you will need immersion cooling. As with air cooled at 75 th/s our miner chip temperatures where close to 80c at room temperature 15c. Also be careful , Bitmani stock power supply Antminer S17 max power usage is 3500 watts.

hiveOS asic miner the installation guide :


And now let’s go back to the installation process. There is no universal manual, for S17 and S17 Pro there are 3 versions of stock firmware. Therefore, every particular case has its own manual on the custom firmware installation.

Please note, that all the manual steps which involve using BTCTOOLS can be done via ASIC’s web interface (BTCTOOLS is usually used for a large number of devices).

Preparation Stage (required for all the options):

1 .Download and unzip the following archive:

  1. Scan the network using BTC_TOOLS and export the list to csv. From csv, copy the IP list and insert it in ips.ini. In case you don’t have a lot of devices, you can make this list manually. Or use bitmain ipreporter tool.
  2. Go to config.ini and check login and password for the ASIC’s SSH or web interface. If the password for the web interface was changed, the same would be for SSH. Set up FARM_HASH to connect to Hive or API, if necessary.

  1. Download the firmware file (it has to have “Hiveon” in its title):

For S17 and S17 Pro, we offer the same firmware file. However, there are two options: “signed” and “nosigned” firmware. The signed firmware can be updated ONLY to another signed Hiveon firmware via ASIC’s web interface or BTC_TOOLS. Third-party or official firmware can’t be installed in this way. However, you can use the rm -rf /etc/bitmain-pub.pemcommand — send it to your ASICs via the Hive web. It will temporarily delete the certificate, but you can reboot your ASIC to bring it back. After this, you will be able to move to any firmware via the firmware update menu (in the Hive web). It will be possible to choose the firmware from the list or to use the URL.

The signed firmware can be downloaded here:

If the stock firmware of your ASIC is released before 1 July 2019

  1. Flash your devices with a file from the archive “remsigallbefore_2019–07–01.tar.gz”. This can be done via either ASIC’s web interface or BTC_TOOLS in case you have a lot of devices. You will see an error in status, but this is okay — it should be like this at the moment.
  2. Flash the devices with the firmware file. Again, this can be done via either ASIC’s web interface or BTC_TOOLS.
  3. Launch “3hashfarmforsigned.cmd” from the archive. The ASIC will get connected to the web.

Stock firmware released from July 2019 to December 2019

  1. Launch “1openssh.cmd” from the archive and wait for the script to be performed. The devices will be rebooted. After the reboot, wait for around 3 minutes.

  1. Launch “2upgradereplace.cmd” from the archive and wait for the script to be performed.

  1. Flash the devices with the firmware file (via either ASIC’s web interface or BTC_TOOLS)

  1. Launch “3hashfarmforsigned.cmd” from the archive. The ASIC will get connected to the web.


Please be aware you could damage your hardware by applying new overclock to your Antminer S17 .

Video guide:

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500 mh/s ? Ethereum mining rig RX5700XT vs RX5700 vs RX570 !? Wed, 27 Nov 2019 20:39:14 +0000 RX5700 series graphic cards has been out for few month now. But drivers for mining from AMD hasn’t been the best. Recently most popular mining OS Simple-mining and hiveOS has added support for these graphic cards. It is not perfect but mining is doable on these cards now, and the results are impressive. Im not […]

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RX5700 series graphic cards has been out for few month now. But drivers for mining from AMD hasn’t been the best. Recently most popular mining OS Simple-mining and hiveOS has added support for these graphic cards. It is not perfect but mining is doable on these cards now, and the results are impressive. Im not saying here GPU mining is now profitable, you still have to be mining fanatic like i am to build GPU mining rig with new hardware.

My setup for 324mh/s mining rig:

Over clocks used :

  • Core Clock 1340
  • Core Voltage 800
  • Memory clock 930-950

My setup for 500 mh/s mining rig :

  • 12gpu all in one mining rig case
  • 5x RX5700
  • 1xRX5700XT
  • 6xRX570  4gb MSI gaming
  • hiveOS mining software

Over clocks used :

  • Core Clock 1340 (RX5700) 1100(RX570)
  • Core Voltage 800
  • Memory clock 930-950(RX5700) 2030(RX570)

There is nearly no difference in hash-rate RX5700 and RX5700XT . It is no point spending extra 20% on gpu to increase hashrate by less then 1%. So if you are mining Ethereum stick to RX5700

Video Review:



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HiveOS flasher utility , hiveOS installation 2019 Tue, 12 Nov 2019 17:30:15 +0000 HiveOS flasher utility , hiveOS installation 2019. HiveOS is the ultimate mining monitoring and control tool for your mining operation. Specially if you do have large mining farm, it is very useful and very easy to setup. So i have created installation guide with Flasher utility. In simple words plugin usb or any other hardrive […]

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HiveOS flasher utility , hiveOS installation 2019.

HiveOS is the ultimate mining monitoring and control tool for your mining operation. Specially if you do have large mining farm, it is very useful and very easy to setup. So i have created installation guide with Flasher utility. In simple words plugin usb or any other hardrive before booting mining rig. And it will install hiveOS to your mining rig hard-drive. But before that your will need usb stick or ssd and hiveos account. If you dont have one here is link how to create one

Se the steps for gpu rig installation are :

  • Download hiveOS flasher latest version
  • Also you will need installation tool (hdd raw copy tool or  Etcher)

  • Download latest GPU hiveOS image

  • When all the downloads are finished save and unpack them in one folder, this way will be easier to work with. For installation to flash-drive i will be using Etcher.So insert your usb flashdrive into PC and choose Flasher image in Etcher to load on this usb drive.

hiveos flasher

  • After you have flashed your hard-drive with hiveOS flasher, next thing is to copy over latest hiveOS image file.
  • Next edit your flasher sample-rig text file and insert your farmhash , you can find your farm hash in your hiveos account under farm settings.

hiveos farmhash

  • Now your hard-drive is ready for flashing, you can insert it in your mining rig. Boot up and go into motherboard bios, select primary boot option from your hiveos flashing utility.

hiveos instalation

  • After reboot it will start to install hiveos on your mining rig hard-drive. When it will finish , it will shutdown your system
  • Then remove your flashing utility from mining rig and boot. It should automatically connect to your hiveos account.

hiveos tutorial

Happy mining

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Bitmain Antminer S9 HiveOS firmware, how to overclock Antminer S9 Wed, 29 May 2019 16:57:15 +0000 Bitmain Antminer S9 HiveOS firmware, how to overclock Antminer S9 As we know very well hiveOS is one of the leading mining software and monitoring provider. It is very advanced and has a lot of features to modify and monitor mining rigs. If you don’t know how to start using hiveOS we have installation guide […]

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Bitmain Antminer S9 HiveOS firmware, how to overclock Antminer S9

As we know very well hiveOS is one of the leading mining software and monitoring provider. It is very advanced and has a lot of features to modify and monitor mining rigs. If you don’t know how to start using hiveOS we have installation guide here. They do support also Asic miner monitoring and control.


Their software is very useful , specially if you do have a large mining farm. It makes your life much easier, previously we have used other mining monitoring. Ethos, simplemining and others, but always with these software you had some kind of issue (problem with drivers, late on new miner releases, limited updates , limited monitoring). Hiveos is really next level mining software everyone should use, so recently they have released their firmware for Bitmain antminer S9. So we took it and tested what is the performance like.

Hiveos seems like advanced software but it is quite easy to use, but of course you need little practice. Same like bought new car and need to used to it, same thing here.

  • So first of all you need to connect miner to your hiveOS account , to do that it is quite easy. You need to logon to your Antminer S9 trough putty or similar ssh tool, default username always is root and password is admin.
  • When you have logged in Antminer S9 replace your_hash_from_web (you can find your farm hash in your hiveos farm settings) and paste in this piece of code in console
    cd /tmp && curl -L --insecure -s -O && FARM_HASH=your_hash_from_web sh selfupgrade
  • It will take few seconds and miner will show up in your hiveOS account. After that you can change miner username if you would like also in miner settings.
  • Next up is create a wallet (for example if you will be mining on slush pool, your wallet will be username).
  • Create flights sheet, you can connect your miner to mining pool directly without login in to your miner. Like its done traditionally on Bitmain asic miners.
  • Upgrade your miner with hiveos firmware, you can do this directly from your hiveos account.

  • Apply overclocking to you miner. They have this feature auto chip tuning, where you choose mining speed. And the miner will auto configure every miner separate, by testing its performance to apply most optimum overclock. But be aware if you are overclocking to much, you might need a bigger powersupply and your miner could overheat. If you don’t have any cooling for your farm.

Checkout the video testing:



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Hiveos 2.0 new features and installation. Thu, 16 Aug 2018 16:58:50 +0000 Long waited Hiveos 2.0 is released. As many as you have started to use lately HIVEos mining software, which seems to be very reliable. Seems like Hiveos developer isn’t sleeping and has released a new mining software panel upgrade, which comes with a lot of new features. And not only that ,  current features has […]

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Long waited Hiveos 2.0 is released. As many as you have started to use lately HIVEos mining software, which seems to be very reliable. Seems like Hiveos developer isn’t sleeping and has released a new mining software panel upgrade, which comes with a lot of new features. And not only that ,  current features has improved also.


So couple weeks ago HiveOS CEO Dmytro came out with announcement and invited everyone to new Hiveos testing. Testing seems went very smooth, also joined testing. And seems like all the features was working perfect, at least we didn’t face any issues or bugs.


So after 2 weeks testing, they didn’t think much and pushed the new gui live, and I can tell you it looks great. Even feels like your miners starts to mine faster and more efficient J


New features added:

  • Most important update is auto fans, this is great feature, you can put the temperatures the gpus can reach to save the fan speed as much as you can.
  • Each user now can have multiple farms, and can even transfer them to different user.
  • Wallets (there are no more ewalls, dwalls, zwalls ) You just select the coin you want to mine.
  • Flight sheets ( made configuration almost every coin and mining pool)
  • Overclocking ( now it stores OC profile for each algorithm it uses )


Some people are frustrating about the change , but only problem is that you need to get used to it , that’s all. Give it a few days and play around it, belive me you will love it.


Please see the video down bellow :

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How to install HiveOS and setup for mining ! Fri, 27 Jul 2018 10:07:49 +0000 HiveOS is ultimate mining software solution for gpu and Asic mining rigs. It has raised a lot of attention lately from miners big and small mining farms. HiveOS main version is built on Ubuntu, but they also have releases just about month ago version for windows users. To setup HiveOS is very simple if you […]

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HiveOS is ultimate mining software solution for gpu and Asic mining rigs.

It has raised a lot of attention lately from miners big and small mining farms. HiveOS main version is built on Ubuntu, but they also have releases just about month ago version for windows users.

To setup HiveOS is very simple if you have used before mining software like Ethos and Simple mining.   If is very simmilar to simple mining OS , but just much more advanced.

Main HiveOS features:

  • it is easy to install (see the video bellow)
  • it has watchdogs ( reboots you rigs if mining speed reduces)
  • you can access you rigs from anywhere without installing special remote controls
  • it does use 10% less power then other mining software, specially for AMD cards
  • For NVIDIA cards it has builtin eth-enlargement pill
  • You could connect it to telegram app for notifications
  • team implements any new features in a matter of 24 hours if there is demand.

HiveOS is one of the most expensive mining software out there, but you pay for quality of the product. It does cost 3usd per month per rig, but with the up time of your rigs you would probably get this money back. Also they are focusing on large farms and up to 3 mining rigs if free to use. If you do have a very ;large mining farm they offer discounts.

Steps for installing Hiveos :

1. Download the zip file –
2. Download HDD raw copy tool –
3. extract Hiveos zip file
4.copy Hive os image to SSD card with HDD raw copy tool
5. Signup Hiveos account –
6.use promotion code MINESHOP to get free 10usd at signup
7.start mining:)

If you do have a questions you can comment down bellow.

Please see the video installation for HiveOS :


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