How do we make new graphic cards, latest mining rig built !
Mining latley has gone so profitable that there is big shortage on graphic cards in market. This has something similar situation as we faced in jully to august in 2017, as the demand of the grtaphic cards increase this creats a big shortage for mining GPUs.
And suppliers keeps pushing up the prices on cards as they also have big shortage and want customers to buy less. so we think we will face this issue for another couple of month. But mineshop has created alternative how to make more graphic cards from what you have , see the video (ofcours this all is a big joke, so please dont try this at home….lol)
Biggest price increase is on AMD graphic cards RX570 and RX580 , some even 100-200% price increase in some countries.
Also can see some latest hardware we use for minign rig built in video bellow , enjoy…